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Alek von Felkerzam
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Alek von Felkerzam


Alek von Felkerzam

Etobicoke, Canada


1997 - 2000
Sheridan College

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Subconsciously, I’ve been working on this project for over 30 years. Doodling, which stimulates the brain’s ‘executive resources’, allows me to define my thoughts and helps me focus on the present while placing myself in a calming, transformative state of mind.

INKORPORATED focuses on one central shape, primarily in black ink. While relaxing and letting my mind wander, I draw and build organically upon each pen stroke as the doodle becomes the narrative.

This allows me to express my current mental state of being and transmit it into a creative treatment. The detailed complexity of layered strokes, curves, contours, and textures encourages the viewer to imagine and feel their own emotions through the dynamic artwork.

Alek von Felkerzam is an award-winning Art Director in the advertising industry. Born in Poland and raised in Canada, he’s been doodling in his unique style since the early ‘90s and hasn’t looked back since. He currently resides in Toronto, where he continues to put ink-to-paper on his next compositions.

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