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Dimi Tabacelea
Dimi Tabacelea photo

Dimi Tabacelea

Dimi Tabacelea with UNDERGROUND artwork in progress ...

Dimi Tabacelea with UNDERGROUND artwork in progress ...

Mixed media on canvas lined solid support wood:
Flat & glossy colors, copper color, fluorescent and relief paste.
48 x 48 in (122 x 122 cm)

This artwork expresses not only the physical or mental state of the human being, after a long observation and persuasion, but rather the actual existential situation, such as the type, deed and action. From any system or mechanism created by man, for humanity, it follows: for human, it is not necessarily a system created for its own sake, but rather to control, manipulate, exploit, everything necessary for a system or organization. Everything is created and invented by man as a system of values.

Right or good for people, given by people, is often apparently good. But because one of these parties is becoming stronger, more stable and dominant, the system and the control tool are created. It always works in secret, to give rise to a new movement, to clarify and build the final action.

Once the system is created, it must function as a mechanism, and becomes the unit of value that is required as a law and a standard of conduct on society. The unity of values created in a secret, hidden society, can be reversed and cancelled by other values, also created in secret, away from the public, from the masses, from their knowledge.

Texts with written or unwritten messages, concepts that will later control everything, concepts that are well hidden in the brain, to their total definition, such as literature, art in general with its avant-garde, religion, politics, war ... can not be realized, invented, created, then hidden by human, for human, only UNDERGROUND.

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