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Earl Rina
Earl Rina photo

Earl Rina

Woodland Wonderland

Woodland Wonderland

Woods and trees - a whimsical adventure through the trail parks. A collection of acrylic paintings inspired by the woods and trees.

Earl Rina. The Contagious Joy of Color.

Earl Rina. The Contagious Joy of Color.

Juliet, Contemporary Art Magazine, Since 1980. Earl Rina. The Contagious Joy of Color. By Andrea Guerrer, 14 August 2020, Focus

The Grand Castle Mountain

The Grand Castle Mountain

This is my adventure when I travelled to Jasper National Park, Banff National Park, Lake Louise, Moraine Lake and YOHO National Park. One of the most amazing and whimsical adventure that I had. I am looking forward to travel more and experience wonderful, joyful and unforgettable wonders of Nature.
More at https://www.earlrina-art.com/blog/my-whimsical-visual-adventure

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