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Elise Thibault
Elise Thibault photo

Elise Thibault


Elise Thibault

Drummondville, Canada


2006 - 2007
cégep de drummondville
2012 - 2014
2016 - 2020
cegep de trois-rivères


Collective libre
February, 2022
Power of love
September, 2020
Hôtel de ville Drummondville
November, 2022
January, 2023
exposition aérienne hommage a Riopelle
July, 2023

There can be no progress without a front. Pencils, paint and words have always been part of my daily life. Defining myself as an artist allows me to identify myself as a human being part of the journey of life.
It all started in a playful way, with a character that I imagined in my twenties. Her name is Dusty, she took up so much space and face that I forgot to introduce her. Yet it's simple it was me. Subsequently, I studied in all forms including: sculpture (clay, wood, plaster), ceramics, figurative and abstract. Today I want to explore the discomfort in creation by bringing it to a feminine collective mode

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