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Ema photo




Shawinigan, Canada


1997 - 1999
Arts and letters
2001 - 2003

Ema grew up in St-Elie-de-Caxton in the Mauricie region. From an early age, her creative spirit was in full bloom. As a child, she was a little girl with a lot of energy. She took drama and improvisation classes, but it was in the visual arts that she found her calling. Ema describes herself as a rather self-taught artist. She paints with emotion and passion. Her elusive creations are very modern and contemporary. The vivid colors convey the energy that drives her. Ema loves wide open spaces and freedom. Her creations are inspired by the power of the ocean, the majesty of the mountains, the authenticity of an encounter or the sincerity of a moment.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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