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Evelina Popilian
Evelina Popilian photo

Evelina Popilian


Evelina Popilian

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


1993 - 1995
Audience in Fine Art University of Bucharest


Romanian Artists in International Galleries 1st and 2nd edtition
March, 2021
By2 Art ,C-Space , Calgary, AB,
April, 2016
Sweet Tooth solo show
October, 2021
Cover album " Velvet Eyes" fora well known Romanian rock band, Provincialii.
October, 2021

Painting is my adventure, my exciting ME. Art is in my life since I was born, as my mom is a visual artist. I am a Canadian artist that fall in love again with my roots, and, for a few years, I live in Romania. My artwork is an eclectic concoction formed from memories, scents, flavors, places I traveled, images I see. Each painting is an expression of the moment I stared at the canvas. Evelina Popilian is working very textural, usually building the background in oil and reworking the canvas in acrylics for a final touch. She often employs bold colors and emotive tableaux in a modern manner.
Painting is an adventure, it's my wild side. It's the part of my life with roots less in my childhood. It's a family heritage, because my mother and even my grandmother were talented. I became an artist from Canada who remembered her roots and, for a time, returned to her homeland. My art is a combination of styles influenced by European memories, but also by the Calgary sky, perfumes, images of places I've visited, by my humanist training, by the transparency and poetry of things, of all the mystery of existence.
Evelina works texturally, sculpting layers of color on canvas, adding acrylic for fluidity.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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