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Francois Fournier
Francois Fournier photo

Francois Fournier


Francois Fournier

Sherbrooke, Canada


1994 - 1998
B.A. with distinction School of Fine Arts, studio concentration Bishop's University, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), Qc, 1998
1993 - 1994
Certificate en Beaux Arts, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada


December, 2022
Studio Georgeville, Georgeville, 2019
July, 2019
Club L’Hermitage, Magog, 2019
July, 2019
Solo, Lennoxville Library, Sherbrooke
January, 2018
Upland Museum, Sherbrooke, 2016
September, 2016
La grande virée artistique, Sherbrooke,
July, 2015
Studio Georgeville, Georgeville,
July, 2015
Grand Salon Des Arts de Sherbrooke,
September, 2015
Solo, Lac-MĂ©gantic Salle Monique-Dumaine-Bourque, Lac-MĂ©gantic. Qc
April, 2013
Exposition- Galerie d’art de Dudswell
July, 2012
Solo, L’estrie a travers les saisons, Centre Culturel Pierre Gobeil, Sherbrooke
October, 2010

Nature varies itself relentlessly. It is my contact with this constantly changing environment that inspires my creations. By observing its shifting seasons, days, hours, or moods, I interpret the same area differently every time I return to it. I find that when I revisit a location, nature has renewed itself: light and atmosphere may have changed various physical features and modified curves, colours and textures.

Throughout my production, I have learned to discover the natural world more intensely. I believe I capture its true essence a little more every time. Nature seems to reveal a few more secrets; whenever, I am in touch with it.

My painting style could be qualified as impressionist-expressionist. My painting mediums are oil paint and oil pastel. However, it is my close relationship with nature; that gives me the most satisfaction. When I paint, I enjoy familiarizing myself with a variety of details that I probably would have overlooked in another context.

My paintings are the offspring of an intimate relationship between nature and myself.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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