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Julie Boisvert
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Julie Boisvert


Julie Boisvert

Laval, Canada

Passionate about arts, I have experimented with many forms of expression over the years: drawing, photography, writing and painting. Since 2014, I devote myself more intensely to painting. I use only acrylic paint, because it goes well with other mediums or texturing. Acrylic paint offers a range of possibilities, which I strive to exploit.

I also explore different techniques such as fluid painting. This technique is in my image, imbued with spontaneity. Because the results are impossible to predict, one must show flexibility, adapt its composition; such a process of creation pleases me enormously. I usually work on large canvases with large brushes, spatulas, stencils and any object that can create original textures. My paintings are mostly abstract, but I sometimes paint pieces with more defined forms when I work on my two favorite themes, namely the effervescence of the urban environment and the tranquility of the wilderness.
My creative work is part of a process of trial and error during which I am constantly learning and where I go from discovery to discovery.

Julie Boisvert

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