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Layla Messner
Layla Messner photo

Layla Messner


Layla Messner

Canmore, Canada


2004 - 2006
Master of Arts at Goddard College
2003 - 2004
Fine Arts at Lane School of Art


Her Little Pocket of Happy
November, 2020
Canmore Art Guild Christmas Show
December, 2019
Sandbox ii
July, 2021
Stories of Resillience
February, 2021

Láyla Messner is the social entrepreneur on a mission to create emotionally healing art.
Láyla is the creator of Art Alchemy paintings for emotional healing and the author of DEMOLITION LOVE. She is also the founder of Fashion with Meaning.

Láyla Messner has been featured by Authority Magazine and Thrive Global as an expert on finding happiness.

An autistic survivor of extreme childhood trauma, she grew up to earn a Master's degree in post-traumatic growth. Now she's a prolific creator and transformational speaker sharing her journey of triumph over complex PTSD and how she became "Too Happy to Handle." Along the way, she confides the secrets of her creativity, freedom, and mystical connection with Universal Love.


Láyla Messner is a social entrepreneur on a mission to create emotionally healing art.
Láyla is the creator of Art Alchemy paintings for emotional healing and the author of DEMOLITION LOVE. She is also the founder of Fashion with Meaning.

Láyla Messner has been featured by Authority Magazine and Thrive Global as an expert on finding happiness.

An autistic survivor of extreme childhood trauma, she grew up to earn a master's degree in post-traumatic growth. Now, she's a prolific creator and transformational speaker sharing her journey of triumph over complex PTSD and how she became "too happy to handle." Along the way, she confides the secrets of her creativity, freedom and mystical connection with Universal Love.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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