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Marcelina Posada
Marcelina Posada photo

Marcelina Posada


Marcelina Posada

Vancouver, Canada


1975 - 1981
Pontifical Xaverian University

In my work I use a variety of mediums such as charcoal, watercolour, acrylic, and oil paintings. My most common inspirations are Urban and Rural Landscapes of Canada and Colombia, Still Live and Flowers.

In my recent work I try to register the mood and feel of the weather, the futuristic architecture and the rapid growth of Canada's young urban landscapes.

Born in Colombia, immigrated to Canada in 2004, with a formal Architecture background, my eyes capture the angles, shadows, highlights, dots and lines that build my landscapes.

There are many ways to paint, there are many ways to see the world, my fascination is to be able to share my view through my work.

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