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MJ Bilodeau
MJ Bilodeau photo

MJ Bilodeau


MJ Bilodeau

Lévis, Canada


Exposition collective Espace culturelle du quartier St-Nicolas
July, 2021
Galerie virtuelle du Symposium Village en Arts
July, 2021
Exposition collective Centre d'exposition Louise Carrier à Lévis
February, 2022


Marie-Josée Bilodeau was born in Lévis on June 23, 1976. With no formal training in art, she proved that authentic artistic expression could flourish off the beaten track.

Her first canvases were a field of experimentation where every brushstroke was a lesson, and every failure an opportunity to learn. Guided by her artistic intuition, she quickly developed a unique style all her own.

Inspired by the duality of life, Marie-Josée has chosen to express herself through a distinctive artistic language: a bold exploration where black and white merge harmoniously with color.

The black and white half of her creations reflects elegant simplicity, while symbolizing the light and shadow present in every aspect of life. The color half explodes in vibrancy, embodying the richness and complexity of human emotions.

In just a few years, Marie-Josée has taken part in several local exhibitions, attracting the attention of art lovers and critics alike. Her work is both introspective and captivating, evoking profound reflections on the duality of existence.

Her innovative brush-to-spatula approach adds tactile texture and depth to her creations. Each work becomes a sensory experience, inviting the viewer to feel the passion and emotion behind each stroke.

Today, Marie-Josée continues her artistic journey with determination, leaving an indelible mark on the contemporary art landscape.

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