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Melpomeni Thy Muse
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Melpomeni Thy Muse


Melpomeni Thy Muse

Calgary , Canada

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MELPOMENI is a Muse indeed! She lives and breathes the meaning, history and mythology behind her name. Honored to be an inspiration to others.
A lover of all things she is; of life, of beauty and especially Art.
Painting makes her soul sing and sets her heart on fire. Feel her love for painting through her work and love them just as much as she loves making them!

​Born in Canada and raised in Greece she had the honor of experiencing and absorbing the best of both cultures and worlds. She truly feels blessed!
"MELPOMENI a self taught artist with a passion for creating".
Oils, acrylics, watercolors and digital art.
Every single piece of art she has created, she has poured all her love and positive energy into. She does not look at anything when she paints. Does not copy or trace. All her Artwork comes from her imagination!

What beauty and peace exist in her mind and soul; and she would like you to join her on this artistic journey.

Feel peaceful and calm when you look at her artwork. Allow yourself to be mesmerized and taken on a relaxing journey through her world.

She also loves to hide loving, empowering messages in invisible ink on her paintings.

Find out what your chosen piece of Art has to tell you!

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