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Mecteau photo




Pointe-Aux-Trembles, Canada


1974 - 1975
Graphic art and commercial design at École des Arts de Montréal
1966 - 1970
CÉGEP Trois Rivières Architectural drawing


Maison de la culture Pointe aux Trembles
October, 1997

From an early age, Michel Mecteau dreamed of becoming a painter. A promising start led to several awards for his works and drawings. In 1966, he enrolled in architecture at the CÉGEP de Trois-Rivières. In the 70s, he worked as a cartoonist and comic strip artist for the Nouvelliste de Trois-Rivières, and enrolled in the Graphic Arts program in Montreal.

He takes part in numerous symposia across Quebec, most notably in St-Rose de Laval and Villages en couleur in L'Anse St-Jean/Petit Saguenay. Michel Mecteau paints in many parts of Quebec, but he prefers the Saguenay and Charlevoix regions, where typical small villages blend with high, rugged mountains and majestic rivers wind their way through basic valleys. His paintings impress with their vivid, magnificent and harmonious colors, with which he waltzes the light.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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