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Nathalie Godard
Nathalie Godard photo

Nathalie Godard


Nathalie Godard

Terrebonne, Canada


1988 - 1991
Baccalauréat enseignement des arts, Université du Québec à Montréal.
1986 - 1988
Diploma of Collegial Studies in Fine Arts, Cégep du Vieux Montréal

I'm an artist from the Lanaudière region of Quebec. I've been passionate about the arts since childhood. I've been teaching art since 1992, and the creativity of my students stimulates my need to create.
Abstraction becomes my common thread for exploring different mixed media. My creativity begins with spontaneously applied colors. These splashes of color become the backdrop for exploring collage, stencilling and encaustic. I reflect on aesthetics by adding monotypes, papers, threads or objects found in my environment. My main source of inspiration is nature and landscapes.
Exploring different techniques is essential to my work. This is what inspires me to create for you these small or large precious territories as I like to call them.
Born in Laval, Quebec, Nathalie Godard expresses herself through abstract art with various mixed techniques. Her work is inspired by landscapes seen from the sky and elements of nature. Each landscape fragment becomes spots of colors, textures, glued monotypes and encaustic . She collects pebbles, pieces of glass polished by the sea that she finds along the St-Lawrence River. She transforms them into precious objects.
"I contemplate the unknown sea of my soul ... I see islands, landscapes, ocean currents, waves that have been developed and which are ready to be explored ..."

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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