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Ninavicolart photo




Maple, Canada


2017 - present
Art Studio, Saint Petersburg


Richmond Hills Group of Artists
September, 2019
Richmond Hills Group of Artists
May, 2020
Richmond Hills Group of Artists
November, 2021
Richmond Hills Group of Artists
June, 2022

I fell in love with realism painting. My colorful paintings pay tribute to surrounding nature and spiritual beauty . My style emanates joy and peace and expresses the vibrant spirit and atmosphere of the colorful landscape.

Picturesque landscapes and flowers, brought to life with contrasting and harmonious colours.
I believe that you can create anything once you see it in your mind.

I welcome you to join me on this visual journey.

I fell in love with realistic painting. My colorful paintings pay homage to the surrounding nature and spiritual beauty. My style emanates joy and peace and expresses the vibrant spirit and atmosphere of the colorful landscape.

Picturesque landscapes and flowers, enlivened by contrasting and harmonious colors.
I believe you can create anything once you see it in your mind.

I invite you to join me on this visual journey.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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