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Robert Zaccour
Robert Zaccour photo

Robert Zaccour


Robert Zaccour

Montréal, Canada


1986 - 1988
Plastic arts at Collège Lionel-Groulx
1988 - 1991
Graphic Design at Dawson College


Les fantĂ´mes de Chios
October, 2019

Born in Lebanon in 1970, after living in different countries in Europe and North Africa, he arrived in Quebec in 1979 where he has been living since. It's when he was 8 years old in Italy that his passion for Art began and never left him since. He studied Fine Arts at Lionel-Groulx College and Graphic Design at Dawson College. He paints since 1987. Through the years, he did many group and solo exhibitions.

Painter with a versatile and experimenting talent, he creates works with varied styles and heteroclite, using themes that appeals to his curious mind which brings him to develop new artistic projects. Insatiable, he's always on the lookout for new ideas to discover and explore. The place that Art has in his life is in proportion to his creative mind, limitless.

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