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Roxaré Thompson
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Roxaré Thompson


Roxaré Thompson

Pointe-Claire, Canada

I've always been passionate about the arts, especially painting.

During my professional career as a scientist, I didn't have much time to indulge my passion for painting. After retiring, however, I took classes with local artists and have been painting as a means of self-expression ever since. I started with watercolor, which I think is a very good basis, and now I paint mainly with acrylics.

I love the work of many great artists, such as Lawren Harris and Tom Thomson, for their innovative styles, Emily Carr for her bold adventure into nature, and J.M.W. Turner for his evocative treatment of light and color.

I'm inspired by what I see around me and love experimenting with new techniques and materials.

At present, I'm particularly interested in exploring abstract composition and mixed media.

I'm a Montreal-based artist and member of the Association des Artistes de Beaconsfield (http://www.beaconsfieldart.com/?lang=fr), where I served for two years as webmaster.

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