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SunnyDayze photo


United States


Melville, United States

SunnyDayze Art Project is an online art exhibit featuring artwork from the artist's current 1,000 day creativity challenge - one new mixed media piece posted each day that features the SunnyDayze logo is some way, shape or form.

SunnyDayze Art Project began as a feel-good skateboard sticker campaign in Southern California in the mid-90's. Today, the artist utilizes paint, photography, computers and a wide variety of materials to create a unique brand of artwork.

SunnyDayze Art Project is an online art exhibition featuring artwork from the artist's ongoing 1,000-day creativity challenge: a new mixed media piece released each day that features the SunnyDayze logo in some way, shape or form.

SunnyDayze Art Project began as a feel-good skateboard sticker campaign in Southern California in the mid-1990s. Today, the artist uses painting, photography, computers and a wide variety of materials to create a unique brand of artwork.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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