Œuvres d’art originales livrées à votre porte ! 🎨

Carmelo Sortino
Carmelo Sortino photo

Carmelo Sortino

Carmelo Sortino - painting in public

Carmelo Sortino - painting in public

This large scale art work of juicy apricots taking shape...

YEARLY ART CRAWL   -     Sunshine Coast, B.C.

YEARLY ART CRAWL - Sunshine Coast, B.C.

The Sunshine Coast in B.C. has a vibrant art scene, it is home to a variety of very creative souls who once a year open up their homes and studios to welcome friends and collectors. My studio will be open all weekend at VENUE #119, Looking forward to showcasing some brand new art works.

Sortino exhibitions and events.

Sortino exhibitions and events.

Dressed to the nines for the grand opening of my solo show at the Kaist museum in Seoul, Korea.

Sortino studio snippet

Sortino studio snippet

Art brushes are one of the most important and appreciated tools in my studio, I can never have enough! I keep a very large selection of all types and sizes within reach of my painting table.

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Arto Galleria

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