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J-Bird photo


United States
Koi Lotus Rising

Koi Lotus Rising

With its roots latched in mud, the lotus submerges every night into river water and re-blooms the next morning. In many cultures, this process associates the lotus with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment.

Koi fish are often at ease in the water and are known to swim against the current overcoming great obstacles symbolizing strength, courage, patience, commitment and success through perseverance.

I hope that “Koi Lotus Rising” reminds us that we can daily rise like the lotus out of the mud and like the koi fish we can swim against the current, persevere, survive and come out stronger together.

Rockaway Pelicans

Rockaway Pelicans

I live in Rockaway Beach in Pacifica, California. Rockaway Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Pacifica. The sunsets are breathtaking. This painting represents how beautiful Rockaway truly is!

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