Œuvres d’art originales livrées à votre porte ! 🎨

Svetlana Sinitsina (Svetla)
Svetlana Sinitsina (Svetla) photo

Svetlana Sinitsina (Svetla)

Saved broken Narcissus in work

Saved broken Narcissus in work

Bucketof apples in work, sketching process

Bucketof apples in work, sketching process

bucket of apples in work

bucket of apples in work

Sunshine on my walls... and my paintings...

Sunshine on my walls... and my paintings...

I am so happy to have sunshine on my wall, and to love how it light up my work...on which I struggled and doubted so much... now I see it was worth it...

"cold winter light" paisajes, near the river

"cold winter light" paisajes, near the river

Late winter, "cold winter light" (brrrrrrr, plain air...) is in work... so subtle, so illusive... crisp and fresh air near the river...

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