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Angela Vaudry
Angela Vaudry photo

Angela Vaudry


Angela Vaudry

Pointe-Claire, Canada


1998 - 2002
Concordia University, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Specialization in Arts Education
1992 - 1994
Dawson College, Creative Arts
1986 - 1989
Thomas d’Arcy McGee Centre for the Fine and Performing arts, high school
2022 - 2022
Accademia d’Arte, semi-intensive painting program

Born in 1972, Montreal artist Angela Vaudry's visual arts training began in high school and CEGEP, culminating in a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Concordia University (2002), specializing in art education. Wishing to further develop her skills as an emerging artist, she took further training in 2022 at the Accademia d'Arte in Florence, Italy. Working mainly with oil paints, her favorite subject is portraiture.

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