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Anik Pouliot
Anik Pouliot photo

Anik Pouliot


Anik Pouliot

LĂ©vis, Canada

Who am I?

I've been a nail artist for 15 years, which has taken me much further than I ever thought or even hoped. Passionate about drawing since I was a little girl, I've always created, but due to a lack of self-confidence, I've put aside my artistic side for fear of financial insecurity and instability in the art world!
Today, I've made the choice to focus on my canvases, because I've finally found my self-confidence, so I'll soon be moving further ahead with this dream that's been crucifying me inside for as long as I can remember! By remaining a nail artist, I'll be able to devote more time to this dream!

It's through my paintings that I'll share with you my feelings, my emotions and my greatest love for unconditional love!

It will now be possible to buy my paintings online or of course by coming to see me in my living room where my paintings are. When you buy a painting, you'll receive a certificate of authenticity.

I look forward to delighting you...

Thank you for following me and encouraging me in my passion!

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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