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Anne-Marie Bourguignon
Anne-Marie Bourguignon photo

Anne-Marie Bourguignon


Anne-Marie Bourguignon

LĂ©vis, Canada


1991 - 2000
Lille School of Architecture - Nord Region, Nord Department, France Doctorate in Architecture
1988 - 1991
Institut privé Saint Vincent de Paul in Loos, Nord department, France D.E.C. in Applied Arts
1988 - 1988
Professional internship in plastic expression at the Musée d'Art Moderne de Villeneuve d'Ascq, France


Finaliste au Concours d’œuvres d’art de Diffusion cultuelle de Lévis 2021, Collectif à la galerie Louise Carrier, Lévis
February, 2021
Exposition « Clin d’œil », Collectif élèves professeur à la Bibliothèque Gabrielle Roy à Lévis
October, 2018
Exposition de huit de mes œuvres au Cabinet d’évaluation immobilière DeRico, Hurtubise et Associés (Québec - Sainte-Foy)
November, 2017
« Casse-têtes », Solo à la galerie des Deux-Ponts à Lévis
November, 2016
« Les peintres dans la nature », Collectif à la galerie Louise Carrier à Lévis
June, 2016
« Le M.A.A.C.R. s’expose » Collectif à la bibliothèque Monique Corriveau, Québec
September, 2014
« Les peintres dans la nature », Collectif à la galerie Louise Carrier à Lévis
June, 2014
« Courtepeintre 2014 » Collectif, à la bibliothèque Roger Lemelin à Québec
June, 2014
« Courtepeintre 2013 » Collectif, à la bibliothèque Roger Lemelin à Québec
June, 2013
« Petite Note de Naïveté, Mignardises de son et de couleur » Collectif à la Galerie du Tracel au Centre d’Art Maison Blanchette, Québec
January, 2009
« Par temps d’hiver » Collectif à la Galerie du Tracel au Centre d’Art Maison Blanchette, Québec.
January, 2008

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Originally from France, Anne-Marie Bourguignon holds degrees in applied arts and architecture. Although she trained as an architect, she has retained a special love for drawing, which she has practiced assiduously since the age of 15. She shares her knowledge of drawing and mixed media, with a particular interest in matter and texture.
Constantly on the lookout for new challenges in her painting and in her life, Anne-Marie likes to explore a variety of mediums and materials, seeing potential in every object. Her subjects almost always include human beings, staging them in a world of fantasy where the lines of her drawings dance to the whim of her vision. "Impressions, emotions, memories manifest themselves in the relief and textures of my medium."
She has also been teaching her passions for over twenty years. For Anne-Marie, teaching means exchanging, listening, communicating and, above all, sharing. "Teaching has also fuelled my artistic approach through research, exploration, renewal and the development of my imagination.
Curious about new experiences and techniques, her learning never ends. Anne-Marie is particularly fond of mixed media. "I work in superimposed layers and thickness, without giving myself any limits. She transforms her subject with materials and textures from the first piece to the varnish layer. "I like to take advantage of the opportunities created in the making, and spontaneity is part of my creative process."
One piece at a time, Anne-Marie Bourguignon marries pictorial layers like she puts together a jigsaw puzzle. Anne-Marie superimposes acrylic paint, collage, image transfer, textures and materials to give her paintings her unique style. "I've always loved puzzles. My subjects are built in my head piece by piece.
Her training as an architect gives her the necessary structure and rigor to combine with the pleasure of creation. Drawing is the source of her artistic expression, whether with pencil, charcoal or pastel, pen or brush. "Tomorrow, a new experience, a new encounter, a new medium will enrich my artistic approach."
For Anne-Marie, learning and discovery have no limits; they're a necessity. Experimentation is her life.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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