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Annie Artiste Peintre
Annie Artiste Peintre photo

Annie Artiste Peintre

Annie Artiste Peintre

Annie Artiste Peintre

Annie started drawing and painting in her 4th year of school when she started to have an interest in arts.

But it was in High school that she developed it, producing several portraits and canvases rich in form and colors. She will also have before the age of 16 some exhibitions to her credit.

She will then leave to study Theater Production at St-Hyacinthe College where she will produce a lot while developing certain techniques.
She will later work as a Wardrobe/Costume on several productions including to name a few "The Legend Concert", "Thunder down Under", "Aussie Angels", "Soul Circus", "Ovation" and "We Will rock you "in Las Vegas.

Wardrobe/Costume at Cirque du Soleil, she will specialize in costumes and accessories patinas. During these years she will travel lots without, however, creating any canvases.

She will also work as a Stylist / Makeup Artist for several companies. Self-employed, she loves the freedom, flexibility and creativity of this medium.

But it was in October 2019 that she resumed painting with explosive and colored canvases thus producing several canvases which; will kick off her 2020 and 2021 exhibitions in Montreal. By then she will have already sold several paintings, sowed curiosity with social media's and shined by her presence in Art Galeries. She is also presently working on a permanent exhibition in a splendid location!!!!

She plans to take her art to a whole new level in the coming years by creating works on oversized canvases of flamboyant style and exalted colors.

Keep an eye and an open mind on this emerging talent.

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