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Areg Elibekian
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Areg Elibekian


Areg Elibekian

Saint-Laurent, Canada


1986 - 1992
Yerevan Institute of Dramatic Art and Fine Arts

Professional painter, Areg Elibekian is a third-generation artist of Armenian descent. HIs grandfather Vagarshag Elibekian specializes in naïve paintings of his native city of Tblisi (Georgia). His father Robert Elibekian is a renowned Armenian painter. A graduate of the Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Fine Arts, he dedicated himself to costume and stage design, as well as painting, which is strongly influenced by the world of music and the performing arts. Areg's uncle Henry is famous for his avant-garde performances and highly non-conformist paintings during the Communist era.
Born in Yerevan (Armenia) in 1970. Areg Elibekian grew up in his father's studio, never wishing for anything other than to be an artist himself At 16, he was the youngest student at the Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Fine Arts, becoming a member of the Artist's Union of Armenia and even having his first exhibition. In 1993, he arrived in Montréal, settling in the Saint-Laurent borough where, dedicated to his career, he spent over twenty years working as a painter and art teacher. Areg Elibekian often travels to Europe each year and has stayed numerous times at the Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris (France), of which he is a permanent member.

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