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West Kelowna, Canada


2003 - 1989
2D/3D Animation. CATO School of the Arts

Brandy Barry-Wyatt born and raised under the big sky’s of Northern Alberta and currently resides in Mountainous BC. Her current body of work involves a distinctive style of Contemporary Western Wildlife and domestic Animal Subjects.
Her creativity is ignited by her passion for the great outdoors and the beautiful wildlife that flourishes just a short distance away. Living in the Interior of British Columbia Canada one of the most beautiful wilderness refuges in the world that sometimes offers opportunities to get up close and personal with rare and majestic animals. The energy that these animals exude is both captivating and alluring.
‘I seek to emanate that elusive beauty in my color-infused paintings of these amazing creatures and the personalities they exude’ Brandy’s paintings undeniably radiate adventure and dynamism, much like her own outlook on life, as she seeks to exemplify the brilliance our animal planet through her artwork.
“I believe that everything becomes a bit more beautiful with a bit of color, and that it is the color in the world around us that intoxicates our senses, livens our spirits and evokes positivity in our lives. This is so very important in our homes.”
Brandy is a self taught contemporary artist with a fair roster of art classes early in life, eventually studying 2D and 3D animation in College. She has been practising since the young age of 9 and started with the love of drawing horses, many of her younger years were spent travelling with music and Arts Festivals and she could be found doing temporary tattoos and selling small pieces of art. Prior to taking up animal subjects her work was mostly based on the human figure.
Brandy puts a great amount of energy into each and every painting so that it will not only be perfect in your home now, but will be an investment that will only continue to rise. “It’s exciting to me each and every time I sell a painting because it means I am able to spread my mission to live outside the lines, to cherish every valuable second of life, and most importantly, to Surround Yourself with the people and Places you love in bold color!”

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