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Carlito Calandra
Carlito Calandra photo

Carlito Calandra


Carlito Calandra

Mascouche, Canada

Hello everyone,
Born in Montreal as a child, I already had the talent to progress towards art in drawing. I studied art at Cegep and then completed my studies in computer graphics. At the same time, I won prizes in competitions that helped me progress. After a while, I came back to the brush, because for me, the contact of paint on canvas brings me greater joy. Numerous exhibitions of my work make me feel in my element. I exhibited at the Art du Village in 1994, in May 1997 at the Maison des arts de Laval, in June 2000 at the Belgo gallery in Montreal, in 2002 at the Festival des Art du village gai de Montréal, followed by the 2003 Festival des Art du village Black&Blue on the theme "Together against AIDS", and in 2005 at the Maison des arts et de la culture Saint-Faustin on the theme "Un air d'été". Participation in the Éléments auction for multiple sclerosis and participation in a fundraiser for enfant soleil. Always on the lookout to perfect my art. I couldn't do it without the encouragement of people who love my art and follow me. Thank you all and enjoy viewing my paintings, which may be waiting for your home.

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