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Carmelo Sortino
Carmelo Sortino photo

Carmelo Sortino


Carmelo Sortino

Sechelt, Canada


Out of Nowhere
August, 2020
Returning Home
June, 2014
Italian Fruits
September, 2011
Carmelo Sortino.
April, 2009
Fruits of Paradise
May, 2008

Carmelo hails from the beautiful Italian island of Sicily, arriving on the Sunshine Coast of Western Canada 6 years ago after many interesting stops around the globe. Carmelo has been a full time International artist for over 40 years, showcasing his art all over the world in both private galleries, public spaces and museums. he is well know for his large scale luscious oil paintings of colourful fruits and flowers, as well as landscapes of Italy and Canada.

"My artistic interest always lies in recognizing and playing with shapes, colours and forms of the world around me/ Then I translate that information into a cohesive artwork that reflects my passion for life. My art works tend to be large scale and colourful. I paint a lot with my mind, mulling over an idea for days before finally tackling the canvas to bring forth my vision in a strong, meaningful and fresh way."

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