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Chantale Desbiens
Chantale Desbiens photo

Chantale Desbiens


Chantale Desbiens

Saguenay, Canada

For as long as I can remember, I've loved creating with my hands: making cushions and aprons on which to paint, creating a mural in my child's bedroom, refinishing an old piece of furniture, landscaping a flowerbed.
For a long time, I was afraid of painting on canvas, believing it was only for "real artists" who studied art at school. In my forties, I finally summoned up the courage to put my brushes down on real canvas... like an artist.
Self-taught, I took a few drawing and painting courses to perfect my basic techniques. Working in the studio on an almost daily basis has enabled me to gain confidence and assume my painterly side.
I transpose my passion for daylilies into my painting. The diversity of their colors and shapes inspires me. By plunging my gaze into the heart of the flower, I find an emotion, the expression of a face, the movement of a dancing body. They offer me their intimacy.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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