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Chris Hrynyk
Chris Hrynyk photo

Chris Hrynyk


Chris Hrynyk

Edmonton, Canada

Local Edmonton Chef turned Artist Chris Hrynyk grew up with a mother who encouraged her children’s creativity. An artist herself, she painted in oils and worked with mixed media to create pieces for her home, friends, and family.
This rubbed off – and Chris excelled creatively, attending Virginia Park arts core elementary. However, this exposure to art and culture came to a screeching halt in Junior High and into High School. It wasn’t necessarily cool to be an artist within the hierarchy of those establishments.
After graduation and a few trips abroad, he satisfied his creative side by cooking in a multitude of restaurants and ultimately becoming a chef.
2007 was a pivotal year for Chris, with many changes. It was the end of a business relationship and the beginnings of a new job. Painting became a way to disconnect from the world at large. Instead of broadcasting negative energy at everyone around him, it was directed at a canvas instead. His early pieces were very dark, frenetic and hard to look at for long periods of time.
Over time the paintings began to coalesce from random shapes and mazes into buildings and streets. The artist has always loved the energy of iconic cities like New York, Chicago, London or Hong Kong.

It was at this time in 2008 that people noticed his work and suggested contacting venues to display his various pieces. It was a chance discussion between his partner Trevor and a hairstylist that really set things in motion. She needed art for her walls and Chris needed a place for them to hang. It was a perfect arrangement. Then a few of her clients started noticing the paintings and they started to sell. Through 2010 and 2012 a number of showings at small independent galleries allowed the artist to showcase his work to more and more people.
Since that time, the artist has been prolific, painting in his off time as a way to manage stress and the odd rage issue. Trips to Italy and France inspired paintings with a softer, more organic edge. Tuscany and Burgundy have influenced and changed his work for the better.
Some 250 pieces later, he continues to create pieces for sale and has taken on numerous commissions He has also donated roughly 40 paintings to a variety of worthy charities, painting live at a number of events. His work hangs in several Edmonton homes and businesses as well as homes

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