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Christine Gagnon artiste peintre
Christine Gagnon artiste peintre photo

Christine Gagnon artiste peintre


Christine Gagnon artiste peintre

Saint-laurent, Canada


2010 - 2012
Fine art at Renaissance

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All the movements of everyday life inspire me, and I seek to celebrate life in all its forms.
Born in Saint-Félicien, Québec, Canada, my artistic journey has been a true adventure, from painting on stone and wood as a child to studying the techniques of the great masters. I took painting classes at a fine arts school in Montreal: Mission Renaissance; a school owned by two wonderful artists: Hélène Béland and Daniel Brient, my teachers.
I learned through the techniques of the great masters. Each reproduction allowed me to discover a different vision of our world, helping me to find my own style. Then I was inspired by artists such as David Leffel, CĂ©sar Santos and Ginsburg.
My artistic approach is a timeless quest for fusion between the techniques of the past and the present, a dialogue between meticulousness and raw emotion. Inspired by classical Flemish techniques, I apply myself rigorously to grisaille and glazing, methods that enable me to build up my works with a wealth of interesting details. Then I incorporate the vibrations and colorful forms of Impressionism into my palette, so that precision and the effervescence of movement coexist on the same canvas.
This combination creates a visual tension, a harmony in contrast that invites the viewer to introspection.
I'm constantly seeking to create a bridge between ancestral know-how and contemporary freedom of expression.

Les toiles qui murmurent The whispering Canvas

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