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Marie-Élaine Cusson
Marie-Élaine Cusson photo

Marie-Élaine Cusson


Marie-Élaine Cusson

Westmount, Canada


2007 - present
Studio Art at Concordia University


November, 2018

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When I was young, I was fascinated by the visual arts. Any type of medium, any type of support, any type of art, painting, sculpture, engraving, collage, montage, drawing, graphic design... Absolutely anything that allowed me to work with my hands thrilled me and took me into a world of wonders, giving me an immense sense of accomplishment. Animals have always fascinated me, their uniqueness, authenticity and beauty. In my animal portraits, I try to capture their essence and highlight their earthly magnitude, to show how important they are and how important it is to treat them well. Flowers also fascinate me with their curves, colors and complexities. Trying to recreate their essence is a challenge I love to take up.

I try to develop styles and techniques as my work progresses. My studies in visual arts and graphic design have enabled me to develop my artistic thinking, but the real learning comes with the brushstrokes given, the search for colors and the evolution of inspiration. I love all types of medium, with a slight preference for acrylics and spatulas, which give me unconditional freedom of movement. I rarely know the final effect of the painting, and it's this effect of surprise that thrills me and gives meaning to the creation. I can work with detail in an organic and realistic way, while playing with small flat areas of rich, pure color, trying to achieve the vibrant effect I'm looking for. Particularly inspired by the Arts & Crafts and Impressionist art movements, inspiration and creative energy also come to me simply during urban walks, observing architectural details and city gardens, and nature hikes...

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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