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Dee Bailey
Dee Bailey photo

Dee Bailey

Solo Exhibition, Depth in the Forest, opens Nov. 5/21 at YA@W

Solo Exhibition, Depth in the Forest, opens Nov. 5/21 at YA@W

This journey through the forest began with an experimental transfer of techniques I’ve developed for modelling clay painting to acrylic paint and pastes. Overwhelmed by the vast products available for acrylic paint, I focused my subject matter on a place where I feel comfortable: nature. Daily forest walks help to calm and soothe my anxious mind. When I’m searching for my misplaced creativity, the forest shows me new details. When challenged by decisions, my neurons know to stroll through the woods and think. When depression hits, my soul knows where to seek refuge.
Doors have been a continuing thread through my artwork. They generally symbolize opportunity, growth and change for me. Rendered doors are a visual record of my travels and art residencies, and of all the stunning nature that goes with those places. Doors bring to mind safety and security, while reminding me to be respectful.
Take a walk through this enchanted and strange forest with me. Together we can appreciate the magnificent abundance of species from the boreal forest, and feel much gratitude for the land we are so fortunate to be on. Through art, I strive to rekindle wonder and awe for nature.



Hi, my name is Dee Bailey. I'm a visual artist living in northern Canada, in the Yukon. I strive to help people to reconnect with nature through detailed sculptural paintings based on the beauty around me, respect, and culture. Don't hesitate to contact me with questions. Thanks for stopping in!

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