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Diane Beaulieu
Diane Beaulieu photo

Diane Beaulieu


Diane Beaulieu

Saint-Eustache, Canada


- present
dec graphics


La Galerie LA VIEILLE CASERNE, située au 216 boul. Sainte-Rose à Laval
August, 2021

Watercolor has been a part of my life for over 37 years. I've tried other mediums, but watercolor paper and color fascinate me. I've done all kinds of subjects: figures, landscapes, still lifes, contemporary. At first, I had a more traditional style. I've made a specialty of my characters, whose style is precise.
Over the last few years, I've been exploring the medium with different techniques. I've even done several watercolors on canvas with gesso. I added texture and varnished them.
I enjoyed the experience, but my heart is still set on paper or canvas.
Lately, I've been pouring color onto paper and my brush produces trees and skies to my delight.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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