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Diane Tremblay
Diane Tremblay photo

Diane Tremblay


Diane Tremblay

La baie, Canada


2000 - present
DEP in Interior Decoration and Display

As far back as I can remember, I have always been driven by the arts. I started at 4 years old with drawing lessons, then I explored several mediums: acrylic paint, oil, ink, clay, photography, watercolor, etc. I then did a diploma in interior decoration and display. In my early twenties, I plunged into the world of decorative painting on wood, in craft shops, where I taught it. I also participated in several exhibitions and symposia.

In 2009, I made a 90 degree turn by enrolling in a radiodiagnostic technique at CĂ©gep Sainte-Foy, in search of stability. Since that time, I practice this 2nd profession.

I love my new job, but nothing is going to beat the arts... It runs through my veins, it's part of me and it's what I most want to explore and exploit, for then you share it. When I create, I do so to express myself as a spirit, which requires deep exploration of self, an ever-improving will, to grow and improve as a human first. I also do it to touch the hearts of beings who watch my creations. This is the profession of artist, which I want to reclaim today.

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