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Laval, Canada


1977 - 1982
Architecture CEGEP Vieux Montréal, Interior Design Old Montréal


Symposium Ile des Moulins, Terrebonne
June, 2023

Artist born in Montreal, where I lived for 26 years. Studied architecture at CEGEP du Vieux Montréal and interior design privately. I now live in Laval.

I've been passionate about drawing since childhood. My interest in illustration, reproducing my favorite cartoons, became a turning point in my career.
At the age of fourteen, I enrolled in a brush lettering course. The smell of paint and the possibility of mixing my own colors, as well as reproducing images, fascinated me.
I produced signs and lettering on trucks, racing cars, etc. until I was 26. I then stayed in the signage business for about thirty years.
I have a great passion for nature and all that surrounds it, so I embarked on this magnificent adventure by producing large-format acrylic works.

Animals, cars, birds, figurative faces, with a touch of contemporary style and a certain "attitude" are subjects I'm particularly fond of.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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