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Elénor Charles Créations Studio
Elénor Charles Créations Studio photo

Elénor Charles Créations Studio


Elénor Charles Créations Studio

Verdun, Canada


OXYGN-ART : Souffle nouveau
July, 2022
Salon International de la femme noire
August, 2022

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Elénor Charles is the creator behind Elénor Charles Créations Studio. She creates works of art using wood, resin, crushed glass and crystals such as quartz, agates, amethyst and others. Using these materials, she attempts to reproduce, in an artistic way, the unrivalled beauty of geodes. For her, it's a reflection of the beauty hidden inside each individual. From the outside, geodes look like ordinary rocks. But once cut, they reveal a veritable treasure trove.

Elénor discovered art unexpectedly. When she was going through a difficult time, her therapist suggested she find an activity that would allow her to express her emotions. When her 10-year-old daughter, Elyana-Gabrielle, was asked to create an abstract painting, they both set out to find examples of this art form. They explored the fluid art technique, but along the way, Elénor fell in love with the resin medium and the geode style. What attracts her to this type of art is the beauty and brilliance of resin and its glamorous-contemporary style. Elénor's discovery of art has given her a new lease on life.

What she does is art therapy, and she hopes to share its benefits with the people around her, because creating makes her feel good. She also hopes to spread her love of geode art and, in so doing, help people discover this type of art, which is not widely available in Montreal. The best way to do this is to exhibit her work and talk about it through workshops, podcasts, etc.

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