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Emie Sirois
Emie Sirois photo

Emie Sirois


Emie Sirois

Matane, Canada


2013 - 2017
Université Laval, Arts visuels et médiatiques


Matière de parler
July, 2022
De part et d'autre
September, 2021
Emie Sirois
August, 2019

I specialize in creating paintings, scenes, and portraits that are deeply intertwined with the feeling of solitude. With every stroke of my brush, I strive to express the chaotic emotions that I feel inside.

My movements are imbued with impatience yet filled with purpose; my palette of colors is often restrained. I transform rough sketches, layers of paint, and disorderly strokes into dreamy, one-of-a-kind characters that are sensitive and imaginative portraits of either people or my son, Roman. Sometimes, I use poetry to complete and bring out my artwork's true meaning, which allows me to express my emotions without revealing everything.

Whenever I share my artwork with others, my ultimate goal is to establish a connection. I want to evoke a certain level of emotional investment from the audience, persuade them to take a moment to pause and contemplate, to delve further into their introspective side.

My creative process involves a variety of tools, but primarily, I use acrylic paint, ink, acrylic pencils, and permanent markers to help me translate my emotions into something concrete. Essentially, anything that allows me to be free and expressive is crucial to my creative work.

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