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Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein photo

Eric Goldstein


Eric Goldstein

North Vancouver, Canada


1975 - 1979
Bachelor of Fine Arts Rhode Island School of Design.
1979 - 1981
California Institute of the Arts .

Eric Goldstein is a Vancouver-based Contemporary Artist.

Eric’s long and productive career as a cinematographer strongly influences the art forms that he explores today.

A multi-award winning Director of Photography, Eric is a recipient of the Eastman Award for Excellence in Cinematography with over 40 years of experience. Working first as an assistant cameraman and as a camera operator for distinguished filmmakers’ such as John Frankenheimer, Steven Spielberg, Wes Craven and Stephen Fears, before becoming an established Director of Photography. Today, Eric has over 110 Director of Photography IMDB credits photographing features, network series, documentaries and televised movies. Eric has photographed an impressive list of talent that includes Brad Pitt, Jim Carrey, Rene Zellweger, Kiefer Sutherland, Ed Norton, and Val Kilmer.

Before earning a degree in Film and Video from the California Institute of the Arts, Eric honed his skills as a fine artist at Rhode Island School of Design.

As a cinematographer Eric has relied on the alchemy of sciences, history, and technical skills funneled through a viewfinder and a lens to distil visual order out of the emotional narratives set before him.

As a mixed-media artist fluent in the contemporary language of art, Eric uses the same creative alchemy to share even more intricate story playing out on our natural stage.

His work celebrates nature’s unbounded spaces by framing its geometries, linear progressions and algorithms. By refining the basic elements of line, color and texture from the west coast landscapes around him, he pairs nature’s complexities down to an appreciable moment of wordless understanding.

His intent is to capture nature, not as it appears but as it feels to experience: incomprehensible, indescribable, and often very chaotic.

Striking the balance between careful planning and improvisation, Eric’s unconventionally collaged art comes into being through an intricate and labor-intensive process of assembling and layering various colored fibers, metal foils, and glass tile, thoughtfully selected for the way they connect to his subjects.

Eric’s mixed media pieces have won many awards including a Distinguished Artist Award from Art Ascent Magazine and 1st Place winner in “The Art of Abstract” international competition by Montreal’s Art Exhibeo Gallery. His work has been exhibited in Montreal, Toronto, Whistler, and Vancouver and has sold internationally.
Eric’s canvases express the same underlying concept that he strives for as a cinematographer; “ Poetic narratives with kinetic energy.

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