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Evan Whitney
Evan Whitney photo

Evan Whitney


Evan Whitney

Playa del Carmen, Mexico

I'm Evan Whitney, your Travel and Street Photographer, based in diverse corners of the world, seeking the soul of every place I visit. My journey in photography began amidst the vibrant landscapes of southern North Carolina. Seeking to capture the essence of life in urban streets, I found myself drawn to New York City, where I honed my craft. Now, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm available to explore new destinations and cultures, documenting the world's stories through my lens.

Throughout my travels, I've had the privilege of discovering the heart and soul of South America, seizing extraordinary photo opportunities. From capturing captivating street scenes in the bustling streets of New York City to having my work featured in renowned publications, photography has been my dream realized.

My photography isn't just about freezing time; it's about preserving the authentic beauty and stories hidden in every corner of the world.

I believe in forging genuine connections with the places I visit and the people I encounter. The key to exceptional photography lies in the comfort and trust between the photographer and the subject. It's not just about taking pictures; it's about revealing the heart of the world, one snapshot at a time.

Evan R. Whitney"

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