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Ste-Hélène-de-Bagot, Canada


1993 - 1995
CĂ©gep Ahuntsic - Graphisme
2013 - 2017
Cégep de St-Hyacinthe - Production théâtrale
1986 - 1960
Cours privés avec Diane St-Georges - Initiation à l'aquarelle

My first painting took shape in the summer of my 12th birthday. A gift from my parents and here I was, surveying the Roses campsite where we spent our summers, looking for a subject worthy of coloring my first canvas. A double birch caught my eye, and that was the beginning of a long love affair between my brushes, my canvas, myself and the vast universe of nature, which stretches from the distant stars to the tiny atoms that make us up, then transforms under the impulse of my imagination.
At 16, I took part in my first group exhibition. The following year, I began studying graphic design. Art took a more commercial turn, but was never far from my life.
That same year, I discovered the joys of watercolour painting with international artist Diane St-Georges.
I love working without constraints and following my creativity along the untrodden paths it takes me down. The world has so much to offer, and if I can highlight some of its facets and share with you what they evoke in me, touch you and enable you to see the world differently, then my goal is achieved.
Welcome to my world!

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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