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Farida SamerKhan
Farida SamerKhan photo

Farida SamerKhan


Farida SamerKhan

Thornhill, Canada


- present
I am Bachelor of the Arts. I graduated from Bashkir State University with Honours, and my degree was evaluated in Canada by York University.

My ethnic roots and my current country of residency are my inspiration.
I am influenced by my mind and soul.
I prefer to use acrylic paints as they totally correspond to my naive style.
Oil paints would be too foreign to my style and manner painting.
I am in painting on and off, since the kindergarten age. When I was 4, my watercolour pictures were chosen for an international exhibition in Italy.
When I was desperate for money, I sold my pictures and bought food.
I live in Canada, born in Russia, but ethnically I am not Russian, I am oriental. Bashkir and Tatar mix I am.
Arto Galleria attracted me with its straight forward and clear concept, and availability to every artist, no matter what style he/she is.

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