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Fortier Nathaly
Fortier Nathaly photo

Fortier Nathaly


Fortier Nathaly

Lac-Beauport, Canada


- 1999
Université Laval, Bachelor of Arts
- 1996
Université Laval, Certificate in Visual Arts


Chacun son coussin
April, 2003
Gagnante du concours, estampe pour le millénaire
April, 2000

Having lived in Lac-Beauport for several years, I like to surround myself with beauty and be inspired by nature. Passionate about the arts since my childhood, I graduated with a certificate in visual arts and a bachelor's degree in arts education.

The elements of nature are often the common thread through my works. When I paint, I let myself be guided by the present moment and intuition. I like being in contact with matter, exploring it and transforming it through abstract art.

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