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Fouzia Belhocine
Fouzia Belhocine photo

Fouzia Belhocine


Fouzia Belhocine

Saint Jean Sur Richelieu, Canada

Born in Algeria in 1983, I've always been drawn to the arts, and to painting in particular.
I was lucky enough to take part in training courses from a very young age at the Maison de la Culture in my hometown of Tizi Ouzou. There I learned pencil, watercolor, acrylic, oil and pastel techniques.

I went on to study ecology, nature being a great source of inspiration for me, so I was able to combine my two passions for a few years.

I had a few years that were very busy professionally in sales and marketing, which left little room for my artistic passion.

When I arrived in Quebec, it was a revelation. I've got this expression that keeps coming back to me: "If you don't want what's natural, it comes back at you". I started painting again and exploring new techniques.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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