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Gabrielle St. George
Gabrielle St. George photo

Gabrielle St. George


Gabrielle St. George

Southampton, Canada


1982 - 1986
Fine Arts at Youk University


Exhibitions and representation by galleries in the GTA, including Artspace Oakville, Grace Gallery Toronto, House of Moments Toronto, Brights Gallery Blue Mountain, Gallery Upstairs Milton, Edge Gallery Barrie, Visual Heights Gallery Aurora, Wellington Gallery Aurora, as well as in Palm Beach Florida at Edward Bastos Gallery.
December, 2023

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Gabrielle St. George first honoured her craft through formal study in Fine Arts at York University then continued the work of discovering her personal process under the mentorship of numerous accomplished visual artists. Her abstract paintings can be found in many prestigious private and corporate art collections. With an artistic journey that transcends borders, Gabrielle's work has been featured in exhibitions both in her home country of Canada and in the United States. Gabrielle is a versatile and multi-talented creator-She not only tells stories through her paintings, she is also an internationally recognized and award-winning published author of both fiction and non-fiction. Additionally, her talents extend to the world of television and film, where she is a much-produced screenwriter.

My art is a reflection of the energy that surrounds and connects us. I channel emotions into visual expressions, seeking to evoke a deeply personal and transformative experience for those who engage with my work. I paint to capture the sacred dance between the ethereal and the tangible, forging a bridge between inner and outer worlds, fostering authenticity, intuition, and enchantment. At its core, my goal is simple: to create art that heals, nurtures the spirit, and serves as a reminder of the inherent power and beauty that surrounds us.

Integrating mysticism into my creative process is an intrinsic aspect of my work, grounded in daily practices of meditation, Qigong, and connecting with Nature through my regular walks along the rugged shores of Lake Huron and in the ancient forest on my farm, where I reside. My chosen mediums are water and acrylics, and I use palette knives and brushes to layer and choreograph paint, often on raw canvas. Gathering inspiration from celestial events, the changing seasons, elemental forces, and the alchemy of the Earth, I infuse my art with intention, mixing herbs, plants, essential oils, powdered crystals, and other organic materials into my mediums, elevating each painting to a hope, dream, wish, prayer, a spell. In this creation journey, I aspire to rekindle our connection to the Earth, its eternal rhythms, and its profound wisdom.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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