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Gayatri photo




Burnaby, Canada


1996 - 2000
Abhinav Kala Maha Vidyalay, India
2021 - present
Milan Mastery Program

I am Gayatri, I was born and raised in India,
With both my parents being artists, I have always been surrounded with art and design.

Growing up half our house was an Advertising Agency, and I spent most of my time there. It was easy for me to start loving it, making it my hobby and then my profession.
As for my eduction I’ve done my Applied Arts, and have been taking freelance graphic jobs for sometime now.
I started painting much later, and now, cannot think of a life without it, I love to play around with different techniques, Mediums and textures and try to express in my own style and yes wood burning recently!
Art is like meditation to me, keeps me sane! :D
hope you enjoy my work, if you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me.

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