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Gregg Simpson
Gregg Simpson photo

Gregg Simpson


Gregg Simpson

Bowen Island, Canada

I was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1947, but grew up on the west coast. I currently live on Bowen Island. I have been active in visual art and music since the mid-1960s.

My work has been exhibited and published in museums and galleries in Canada, the U.S., Italy, France, England, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile Australia and Malaysia and is included in over 100 private and public collections internationally.

I have recently been included in a book and exhibition, Surrealism Beyond Borders, organized jointly by the Metropolitan Museum of New York and the Tate Modern in London.

The west coast rainforest where I grew up and live in today is always an underlying factor in my work, alternating with influences derived from European art, especially surrealism and lyric abstraction.

My career has been noted and studied in several art journals, history books and academic studies at several major institutions including the Sorbonne in Paris, the Université Rabelais de Tours, and the Accademia Tiberina in Rome.

My work has evolved from the collages and Pop-influenced paintings of the 1960s, through the neo-Surrealism of the 1970's to an organic abstraction since the 1980's based in both landscape and the figure.

In May 2000, I exhibited at the Fortezza di Montalcino, a 14th Century castle in Tuscany, the subject of a BRAVO TV documentary in 2003, A New Arcadia, The Art of Gregg Simpson, which is now on YouTube.

I was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1947, but grew up on the West Coast. I currently live on Bowen Island. I've been active in the visual arts and music since the mid-1960s. My work has been exhibited and published in museums and galleries in Canada, the United States, Italy, France, England, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, Australia and Malaysia, and is included in over 100 private and public collections worldwide.

I recently contributed to a book and exhibition, Surrealism Beyond Borders, jointly organized by the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Tate Modern in London.

The West Coast rainforest where I grew up and now live is always an underlying factor in my work, alternating with influences derived from European art, particularly Surrealism and lyrical abstraction.

My career has been noted and studied in several art journals, history books and academic studies in several major institutions including the Sorbonne in Paris, the Université Rabelais in Tours and the Accademia Tiberina in Rome.

My work has evolved from the pop-influenced collages and paintings of the 1960s, through the neo-surrealism of the 1970s, to an organic abstraction since the 1980s based on both landscape and figure.

In May 2000, I exhibited at the Fortezza di Montalcino, a 14th-century castle in Tuscany, the subject of a 2003 BRAVO TV documentary, A New Arcadia, The Art of Gregg Simpson, which is now on YouTube.

**Automatically translated from the original text.**

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