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Isabelle Norris
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Isabelle Norris


Isabelle Norris

Barrie, Canada


2008 - 2011
Visual art degree from UQAM
1990 - 1993
Creative arts degree from Dawson

I am a portrait artist who specializes in the feminine aspect of multiculturalism. I enjoy the use of acrylic and oil to create my paintings.
I have had my work showcased in various galleries in Montreal and Toronto. When painting, I look to see beyond the physical and that is what I seek to bring forward. I want my audience to be moved at their very core as I was when I was a child by the artworks I had the privilege to be exposed to. I want people‘s souls to be touched and their mind to be opened when they see the beauty that is inside all of us. I strongly believe that all women are beautiful regardless of their ethnicity. Beauty is universal and it is up to us to see that. I want people to look further then what seems to be there on the surface and question their hearts as to what is our common Humanity.
I am known for looking for the inner world
Of whatever subject I choose to paint. Very often, it is the subject that chooses to be painted by me as you will see in my abstract landscapes such as Doors to Lemuria.
I do not limit myself to portraits of women and abstracts however. When I feel an attraction to an image or subject, I allow myself to to welcome the flow of creativity to move me.

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