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Izzeldinn Kojour
Izzeldinn Kojour photo

Izzeldinn Kojour


Izzeldinn Kojour

Calgary , Canada


1988 - 1992
Fine and applied art.college. Khartoum - Sudan
1993 - 1995
Graphic design. Kenya polytechnic. Nairobi - Kenya
1996 - 1997
Graphic design. St- Lauren college - Kingston

Izzeldinn A. Kojour Suleman.
Sudanese Candian Artist.
Painter, Graphic designer, Arabic callegraphist
and photographer.
Born and raised in Sudan 1967.
Calgary, Alberta - Canada.
Studied fine Art at Sudan University of science and technology. Khartoum - Sudan.
2013 london central library. London - Canada.
2011 Palace theatre. London - Canada.
2010 The art project. London - Canada.
2009 Theatre in London. London - Canada.
2008 Spence gallery. Toronto - Canada.
2007 Spence gallery. Toronto - Canada.
2005 Dedicatetion art show. Paris - France.
2005 Selective art show. Ottawa - Canada.
2005 Toronto arts Expo. Toronto - Canada.
2004 Selective art show. ttawa - Canada.
2004 The arts projects. London - Canada.
2004 Ten thousand village. Ottawa - Canada.
2002 Toronto Arts Expo. Toronto - Canda.
2002 Gatineau artist group. Hull - Canada.
2002 Tulifanya art gallery. Kampala - Uganda.
2001 Ten thousand village. Ottawa - Canada.
2000 Tulifanya arts gallery. Kampala - Uganda.
2000 Modern fuel gallery. Kingston - Canada.
2000 Arts out of Sudan. New York - USA.
1999 Nairobi national musuem. Nairobi - Kenya.
1999 Paa Ya Paa art gallery. Nairobi Kenya.
1999 University of Alberta. Edmonton - Canada.
1999 Arts out of Sudan. Winnipeg - Canada.
1999 Gallery Watatu. Nairobi Kenya.
1998 Sudanese arts aair, Landmark hotel. Nairobi - Kenya.
1998 Tulifanya art gallery. Kampala - Uganda.
1998 French cultural centre. Nairobi - Kenya.
1997 East African arts, national musuem. Nairobi - Kenya.
1997 Sharja national pennial. Sharja - United Arab Emirates.
1997 African liberation day, Sheraton hotel. Lampala - Uganda.
1997 Massai camp. Arusha - Tanzania.
1997 Kenya arts aair, village market. Nairobi - Kenya.
1997 mennonite central committee church. Nairobi - Kenya.
1997 Arts for peace, (Intelcontinental). Nairobi - Kenya.
1996 Paa Ya Paa art gallery. Nairobi - Kenaya.
1995 Sudanese contemporary arts. (Goethe institute) Nairobi - Kenya.
1994 One O contemporary art gallery. Nairobi - Kenya.
1992 Sudanese cultural centre. Khartoum - Sudan.
1991 College of ne and applied arts. Khartoum - Sudan.
1991 Sudan national museum. Khartoum - Sudan.
1989 The Grand hotel. Khartoum - Sudan.
1988 Children and youth palace. Khartoum - Sudan.
1987 Children and youth palace. Khartoum - Sudan.
1986 Children and youth palace. Khartoum - Sudan.
2017 Reception house. Waterloo - Canada.
2014 Spence art gallery. Toronto - Canada.
2011 Concordia University. Montreal - Canada.
2008 The art Exchange Gallery. London - Canada.
2007 The arts project gallery. London -Canada.
2006 Geman cultural centre. Khartoum - Sudan.
2005 Centre Culturel d’ Egypte. Paris - France.
2005 Tagine Gallery. New York - USA.
2000 Queens University. Kingston - Canada.
1998 Arte d’Afrique gallery. Arusha - Tanzania.
1998 Halpen Gochi gallery. Nairobi - Kenya.
1998 Tulifanya Gallery. Kampala - Uganda.
1997 Tulifanya gallery. Kampala - Uganda.
1996 Tulifanya gallery. Kampala - Uganda.
1993 One O contemporary gallery. nairobi - Kenya.
1992 Ethiopia national museum. Addis Ababa - Ethiopia.
1992 Ahlia University. khartoum - S

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